Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lets Dance

An article in newspaper today, that is a part of talk by Osho, mentions that certain indigenous groups in India say that they do not dream at all. If somebody ever dream- which is a rare phenomenon, the whole village fasts, prays to God. They believe that it is a sign that something has gone wrong- a man has dreamed! It never happens in their tribe is because they live so totally that nothing is left in the head to be completed in the dreams.

Instantly I compare the situations- all around me I see people who dream and interpret them in order to find some meaning in it to bring an order in their lives, or use it as a hope of acquiring good luck, money, life partner or whatever it is that they want. Often when the dream is not so pleasant people try to find a solution to avoid the bad. I wouldn't say I am any different although I do not go to the extreme of finding any help if the dream is not to my liking. But I do believe that good dreams are shown to us by God and bad ones are an incitement of Satan. This also was read by me in a book and I believe it because not all of my dreams are connected to my present situation. But I would also not disagree with what these tribes-who consider dreams to be a sign of not living the life fully, say. My mind right in the process of finding justification for all the past dreams and how they could be translated into some unfulfilled activity. I wonder what would Freud say about all this!

Any how the Osho article also says that dreams occur because we spent whole day in thinking and most these thoughts are left half way as all of us very busy all day. Thinking means that we have huge amount of energy which is not spend by us sitting in an office and looking at the computer screen; it is this energy which leads to the dreams. It should be looked upon as a sign that the life is not being lived to its full extent. Pondering on this makes me want to get up and dance and complete a long due wish, which means the article has been successful in its purpose, as its title is- ' Feel free, Dance a little more'.

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